Saturday, December 7, 2013

healthy shampoo? is there such a thing?

Out of frustration with ingredients in shampoos, I sought other options. So, for a year I used baking soda and water with an aloe vera/apple cider vinegar rinse. It worked...for a while. Then a beautifully creative friend told me how she read that baking soda can dry the scalp and hair. So true. "There are other options," she told me. Also true. I began to research.

Today I mixed up some raw honey in hot water (to melt it), added some plant oils like broccoli seed oil, blueberry seed oil, grapefruit oil, and washed my hair in it. Actually, I applied it on my roots then massaged it in. 

Honey has anti-bacterial properties while broccoli seed oil can be used as a replacement for silicone in hair products. I figured blueberry seed oil added extra nutrients to the deal. Water held it all together. I'm curious to see if I can keep it in the shower for a few days without molding.

Right off the bat I could feel the difference. My hair was soft and easily brush-able  While it was drying (i always air dry it), soft curls appeared where limp hair once hung. There was a bit of crunch or the look of gel in hair (not my favorite look). Once completely dry, I realized it was oily looking. All is not lost, yet. I will tweak and try again, maybe with a photo. I will find a healthy way to shampoo hair. I will. How did woman back when do it? Stay tuned.

UPDATE...I tried to use Castile soap, honey and warm water but I think my hair was too oily to notice a difference. Once I get rid of the oiliness, I will try again with the Castile soap and honey. Anyone else have any suggestions?

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